What I’m Doing Now

This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too. An about page tells you something about the background of a person. But a “now page” tells you what a person is focused on at this point in their life. Here is what I’m focused on right now.

Updated: February 7, 2025
My Yearly Theme: The Year of Small Improvements

Re-Building This Website

I’m literally re-building this website to how it originally looked. Lol. I got tired of paying too much for the hosting company I was previously with. Then, I moved to Squarespace, but honestly I just felt there was too much of a learning curve for me seeing as though I’m more comfortable with WordPress. So, I found a cheaper company to host WordPress since I just need the bare minimum and basics for a personal website. Honestly, I’m happy about moving back.


I’ve been having a lot of fun getting into YouTube. It’s been allowing me to see things in myself that I’m good at. Although I’ve gotten through the whole learning how to edit videos part and have gotten somewhat comfortable in front of the camera, I still feel as though I haven’t quite nailed down my style of videos. There’s still a bit of figuring that part out at the moment and is also tied to the next thing I’m doing, learning about autism.

Learning About Autism

I’ve slowly had the suspicion that I have Autism and lately I’ve been diving into books, podcasts, YouTube videos, reddit posts, etc. Just as I did when I thought I had ADHD. But back then, Autism wasn’t even anything I had considered. However, learning more about it and taking several self-assessments, I’m absolutely certain I’m Autistic as well.

My main problem is trying to figure out how to get an official diagnosis. Although I feel I don’t personally need one for myself, I feel as though I need it for the people in my life? Yes, the question mark is intentional. This goes deep into what I’ve been re-visiting about myself, my life, etc. I’ve always been a people pleaser. I’ve always had to try my hardest to fit in or prove myself or my worth. There is just so much that makes sense after connecting the dots. And it’s equally just as confusing because I feel as though I don’t even know who is the real me anymore. It’s a lot of deep stuff, but ultimately, my first step was finding a new therapist that has experience with neurodivergent folks. Only had my first half of my initial intake, so I’m gonna see how this goes. But finding someone with experience working with autistic folks is slim pickin’s out there.